Advertising is a tool or tool used by a company or group to explain and market something they sell products. The company or an industry group today is highly dependent on advertising because if no company or industry group advertisements as producers and distributors will not be able to sell its products.
The buyers also will not have information about what products and services are sold and marketed. Broadly speaking the function of advertising for marketing is a medium of marketing communication communications for sellers to inform things about products or services they sell. Usually, the ad will use a marketing communications model of persuasive communication that is broadcast or reported on an ongoing basis in mass media such as newspapers, television, radio and billboards, banners or flyers.
Advertising is a sales-driving tool that contains a message to try to persuade consumers to buy the products they offer. Good and effective advertising must be able to attract attention, attract consumers so that consumers will have the desire to buy the product. Now in the world of advertising industry or also commonly referred to as advertising increases along with the development of the times plus more forms of advertising is also increasingly varied. In order to do good marketing using an advertisement, we must also have a marketing strategy. A good marketing communications strategy must be supported by a good marketing communications element as well so that the desired target can be achieved maximally.
The best and most effective way to maximize the function of advertising for marketing a product is to understand and fully understand the function of an advertisement that can be known when learning marketing communication theory. In order for us to better know what advertising functions for marketing, then this time communication expert will summarize some ad functions. Some of our successful and functions are summarized from several sources, including:
1. Giver of information
The advertisement will provide information on a product of goods or services offered in detail, such as information about the manufacturer, brand, composition, price, sold in the area or store, and other information that will make the consumer as a potential buyer confident and choose the goods or services product offered even though the brand used is still new and not well known. The information provided in the advertisement will indirectly provide a positive image as well as introduce produce goods or services.
2. Persuade
Whether realized or not, advertising will indirectly persuade and persuade potential customers to try the products or services advertised. This one ad function is usually followed by discounting or discounting plus a variety of interesting promotions.
3. Remind
The ad also serves to remind every prospective customer or who has become a consumer subscription to keep buying a product or service advertised. In addition, regularly broadcasted and published ads will retain the memory of consumers and are highly effective in terms of increasing consumer interest.
4. Giving Added Value
Advertising also serves to provide effective value-added so that consumers will see a brand of products or services that are advertised to be more elegant, stylish, have competitive prices and superior quality with similar products.
5. Accompanying a Product
Ads will accompany a product in the marketing communications process as a representative part of the manufacturer of the product. Because of the function of this one ad, then many experts argue that a product cannot be separated from advertising services for each marketing.
6. Communication Connector
With the help of advertising, people as consumers will get a lot of supporting information related to the advertised product. The information conveyed by the advertisement created is actually a communication link between the consumer and the company that produces the product. In other words, advertising becomes our communication aid to ask the product maker indirectly.
7. As an Educator
The function of advertising does not only serve as a medium to convey information only, but advertising can also be used and used as a tool to provide education or certain values that may affect the mindset, attitude, and the behavior of the listener. One example of advertising as educators can be seen from ad impressions that have educational value to educate consumers such as toilet soap, shampoo, toothpaste that teaches to always keep clean.
8. As Entertainment
Advertising can also be used as a means of entertainment because it is not uncommon that ads made to promote something have the concept of delivering information with an entertaining nuance. This will also affect the interest of the buyer because at the time the advertisement is more entertaining and tend to be funny then the buyers are more interested to see and buy a product that advertised.
9. Economic Function
The economic function of advertising is to provide benefits to three parties. The first party is a company that wants the product advertised because if the ad is successful then the profits will be greater. The second party is the creator of the ad and the people involved in the ad because each ad made will certainly provide income for them as well as the third party is the consumer. The resulting economic benefits of advertising to consumers can be seen from the number of discounts, promotions, lottery prizes and so forth.
10. Social Functions
The social function of a marketing advertisement can be met and we look at the ads that invite us to do social activities. For example, such as bottled mineral water advertising that says if we buy 2 pieces of mineral water, then 1 mineral water will be donated to people in need or also ads about the movement to collect donations in the form of money, advertising services to adhere to traffic signs and so forth.
11. Alleviate Sales Promotion Expense
Advertising for marketing a product that is served and reported using mass media such as print, electronic or social media also has a function to alleviate the burden of the work of others, one of which is sales promotion work in the field. With the ads, sales promotion will be easier to offer a product, because it may be potential customers already know the products offered by sales promotion.
12. Marketing Functions
The function of advertising as part of marketing is the function and the main task of an advertisement, where the ad will identify the product and explain the difference advertised with other similar product. In addition, advertising will also stimulate consumers to pay attention to the product, price, place of sale and so forth.
13. Creating Demand Function
This one advertising function is as a means to find as many buyers as possible so that the demand for an advertised product is increasing. With such increasing demand, it can be said that the ads are successful and effective.
14. Standard Guarantor

An advertised product must have a good standard and quality. Well, advertising will indirectly provide a standard for the product that wants to be advertised marketing so that consumers as buyers of the product do not feel disappointed. Therefore, not all products can be advertised and not all ads can market the product because of the need for a standard.
15. Opening Opportunities
Ads also have functions that can open up opportunities for others. Opportunities that are meant here are for people who want to become business partners or bison partners of the advertised product manufacturers. With the advertising, people will be interested to buy even interested to participate in marketing such products as the reseller, agent dealer, courier and so forth.
16. Control Means
Through advertising activities, the public as consumers more awake to get a quality product and able to distinguish the original product or artificial products. The function of advertising as a means of control we can find in the ads that provide information to us by using words such as, Watch out for copies, just buy at this store, the original there is a picture Olla Ramlan, and so forth.
17. Getting Wider Market Area
Ads that are done for every marketing of a product also have a function to expand the sales area so that the advertised product is spread throughout the desired region. Large market areas will also affect the demand for the product itself and increase the Income of a company.
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